Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Still Looking For a New Job

Like many fellow Americans, I'm still searching for a new job. The business I worked for closed in January of this year. I've been getting more interviews lately and they've all gone well. So far, haven't gotten a suitable job offer, but things are looking up.

Just saw a repeat of a news story, about a couple of women in Florida who were laid off and came up with the idea for brightly colored bracelets saying:

"Laid-Off Need A Job"

So I decided to give them a try. I think of it as a good way to improve my networking and since I have friends and family members in the same boat, I ordered extra bracelets to share. I'll keep readers posted on how it works out. If you'd like to pick up a bracelet for yourself or someone you know, you can find them at:

Best of luck!

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