Thursday, August 13, 2009

Anger at Town Hall Meetings

If politicians needed a wake up call to tell them the American people were not satisfied with the way they are handling things in Washington, they need look no further than their own "town hall" meetings. Lately, you can't turn on any news channel without seeing a lot of angry citizens calling their representatives to task for what is going on in the nation. While most of these meetings are about health care reform, I suspect a lot of the anger comes from the apparent lack of interest in Washington of how average citizens view their recent actions. I think the following article sums it up pretty well:

So why are Americans “mad as Hell”?

For the past year, we watched as the housing and financial sectors imploded, taking with them manufacturing and automotive companies. Job losses, foreclosures, and personal bankruptcies mounted into the millions, and the response of government has been to pass pork-laden legislation that spent huge amounts of future taxpayer dollars for questionable results. And when it is revealed that many of the same government policies, regulations, and politicians created the problems in the first place, it becomes obvious that politicians via the government are out of control and have no qualms about feeding at the public trough to achieve their own ends.

The current crop of politicians in office have run on the platform of hope, change, and transparency. That hope has changed into a morbid hopelessness, the change for the better is changing for the worse, and the only transparency there is the obvious attempt of the politicians to cram as much legislation loaded with their pet projects through before the public catches on. Are there any doubts that the government that we now have is not what the majority voted for?

And when the voters are protesting, they are called un-American, un-patriotic, and a whole host of other nasty names by the supporters of the current Administration. All for voicing their opinions. What is so hypocritical is that they did the same thing when the former Administration was in power, and they called it their God-given right under the power of Free Speech granted by the Constitution.

We heard a lot of politicians proclaiming their indignity at the banks who handed out bonuses while avoiding bankruptcy on the taxpayers dime. Yet the bank executives, who seem to have forgotten that they are only still in business because of the massive bailouts from taxpayers, doled out bonus money like their was no tomorrow. Over 4,800 people received more than a million dollars each, for what? Because they helped orchestrate one of the worst economies since the great depression? Maybe that was their intent all along and they are getting the bonuses for accomplishing their goals. Otherwise, I see no reason anyone working at any of the bailed out institutions should be collecting anything other than an hourly wage. And they should thank their lucky stars that they still have a job, since that puts them way ahead of the millions of Americans they helped put out of work.

Back on the health care front, I can't believe how dense some of our politicians are. It is as plain as the nose on their faces that the average citizen does not want government run health care. Some of the politicians have actually talked down to their constituents, saying we already have government run health care, in the form of medicare, medicaid and V.A. health care. If I were them, I would not be holding up these programs as an argument for more government involvement in medical treatment. While they all do some good, they are notoriously inefficient and let's not forget about the recent bout of infections caused by unsanitary equipment at some of the V.A. hospitals. If the current administration is so hell bent on ignoring what the people want, then they should be voted out. Let's get rid of them, lock, stock and barrel.

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