Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The month of October is off to a fantastic start with 7 dividend payments on the first day of October.  It's like collecting 7 paychecks at once!  Of course I reinvested these payments to buy even larger future paychecks by purchasing more shares.  

Got more good news in the mail.  Apparently I'd miscalculated one of my medical bills and I'd actually paid it off with the last payment.  They returned my check for my most recent payment with a letter saying my balance was paid in full.  So this bill is paid off 4 months earlier than I'd expected!  I'm pretty happy about that.  

Looks like most of my payments are on the first this month, with 6 more dividends to collect for the remainder of the month.  However, the 6 remaining payments are the biggest dollar wise, with the three largest dividends at the end of the month.  When I start collecting the cash payments to actually live on, this should work out good for budgeting, because I'll get month to pay all the first of the month bills, collect some during the middle of the month and another big payment at the end of the month.  That's the way it works out with my current portfolio.  Don't plan on making any changes anytime soon, other than to add wish list stocks as soon as I can afford it.  The cash machine is working, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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