Friday, March 30, 2018


Just boosted monthly income from dividends another 2% by selling OCSL, EAD and CCUR and reinvesting the cash in CHY!  The sale also resulted in nearly doubling dividend earnings from the cash invested in the former three stocks!  Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about the change even if it cost me a little money in commissions.  However, considering the performance of OCSL, EAD and CCUR, I think I'm much better off having gotten rid of them.  My trades should be completed in time for me to capture the dividend for CHY in April.  This brings my total number of dividend payments back down to 516 per year.

The month of March 2018 was up nearly 50% compared to March 2017 and tied for the all time high in monthly dividends with December of last year!  While the overall value of my investment accounts is down, monthly cash flow from dividends continue to increase quite nicely.  Really looking forward to all the new dividends kicking in next month.  I mentioned in my last post that I'll be focusing on reducing debt dramatically for the rest of this year, however I'll still be on the lookout for ways to free up cash and increase holdings whenever possible.

A co-worker has been asking me about stocks lately.  She wants to start investing but she's afraid of the markets erratic behavior of late.  I told her the best day to invest in the stock market is today.  If you wait, chances are you'll never start.  I gave her the ticker symbols of a couple of low volatility S&P 500 etf's paying monthly dividends and told her that would be a good place to start.  Once she gets her feet wet, she can move on to possibly some higher yield funds or individual stocks.        

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