Thursday, April 12, 2018


In my last post, I was excited about boosting monthly dividends by another 2%.  So I'm extremely elated about recent trades increasing monthly dividends by over 8%!  It gets even better, since the income from cash invested, from the stocks that I sold will go up by nearly 300%!  I sold my stakes in MRK and VZ and used the money to buy more shares of PSEC and ZTR respectively.  (Incidentally, I just collected a dividend from MRK this month and held on to VZ long enough to collect their dividend in May.  My trades should complete in time to collect my first dividend on the ZTR shares this month and PSEC in May.)   

I know what's being said about PSEC, but I find it hard to believe that one of their company insiders is willing to risk $204,000,000 of his own money unless he thinks something good is going to happen with the company.  O.K., I know with over 34,000,000 shares he's collecting over $2,000,000 per month in dividends, but that still isn't reason enough to invest so heavily unless you think the market is undervaluing the shares.  Another company insider owns over a million shares as well.  I could be wrong here and am by no means encouraging anyone to follow my move, but I'm willing to take on the risk to follow the insiders.

As for ZTR, a global dividend and income fund, I'm after the 12.37% yield there.  Since they're near their 52 week low, I'm willing to take the risk there as well.  Like I said earlier, I'm not encouraging anyone to follow my lead on these or any other investments.  My 401k is invested quite conservatively and I have conservative investments in my other investment accounts to help balance the risk on some of the higher yield plays.  We'll see how it all works out.

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