Monday, September 5, 2016


In an earlier post, I mentioned that I was buying shares of ABT for my Roth IRA as part of a three stock purchase to boost monthly dividend income.  Since then, I've made out my investment schedule for the rest of this year and 2017.  One of the purchases I included on my list is TROW.  When I checked their dividends per share and their ex dividend date I discovered that I could replace ABT with TROW and collect my first dividend on the 29th of this month instead of waiting until November.  I also calculated the dividend for cash invested and TROW will pay over 20% more for the same amount of cash invested!  So I made the switch.

I'll still be buying shares of ABT, hopefully in time to collect the dividend for November.  I'm very excited about my stock purchase list.  It's a mix of high dividend yield cash cows, 5 star Morningstar rated funds with monthly dividens and big blue chip dividend aristocrat stocks.  So far I've managed to balance out the higher risk high yield investments with lower yield high quality stocks with a history of raising dividends.  We'll see if that holds true in 2017.  I'm pretty confident in the new stocks I'm planning to purchase and the companies I intend to buy more shares of.   

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