Saturday, August 13, 2016


Collected 3 great dividend payments today, including my first dividend from IGD.  Was pretty excited about the new dividend, but then I estimated the total dividend income for the month of August and compared it to August 2015.  Total dividend income for the month increased a more than 130% year over year!  I keep thinking these big increases will have to slow down at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.  I remember writing at the first of the year that I thought 2016 would be a good year, but I had no idea it would turn out as well as it has.

Been offered a phenomenal opportunity to buy my own home, which I could pay off in 5 years or just about the time I'd like to retire.  While this would be great in many ways, it would also require a job change, since my current job is would be too far to drive from where the house is located.  I've made some great strides with my current employer and I hate giving up the benefits I've accrued there to start from scratch somewhere else.  But being able to buy a home that I can pay off in such a short time with such small payments is too good to dismiss out of hand.  So I'll be looking in to the job market and weighing my options carefully.  If it doesn't work out, I won't be too disappointed.  It's been my experience that if you miss out on one opportunity there'e always more to come.

It looks like I'll have to put off the purchase of SPLV shares until next month.  My order to purchase a stake in EAD will go through on Tuesday and I'll collect the first dividend from them in October.  So if I follow this purchase with SPLV on or before the ex dividend date of September 15th, I'd collect the first dividend from SPLV on September 29th.  So I've made it my goal to buy a stake in SPLV within the next 30 days.  Not exactly sure how I'll do it, but I'll come up with the cash somehow.  This will bring total dividend payments up to 296 per year!   

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