Saturday, March 12, 2016


I've owned shares of Pimco's High Income bond fund for quite some time now, but recently added additional shares as the price dropped.  Just filed my tax returns yesterday and decided to put half of the small refund I'm getting to work.  I'll be buying additional shares of PHK for my IRA account.  The new shares should start paying dividends in April 2016 and will boost monthly dividend income by a whopping 10%!  I'm pretty excited about this, since it's rare that I have enough free cash to invest at one time, to give myself such a good raise.  It's never a bad thing to increase monthly cash flow and when you increase it in 10% increments, it doesn't take long to add up to some serious cash.

For my taxable account, I've decided to buy shares of DEX, a global equity fund with monthly dividends.  While I hadn't planned on adding any new stocks or funds, I've decided to buy shares in DEX to make up for the loss of royalty payments from ROYT.  If ROYT should benefit from a recovery in the oil market and start paying royalties again, all the better.  But just in case, I'd like to have a back up to make up for the loss in monthly cash flow.

Collected another 3 dividend payments this week from CNP, LLY and PDLI.  Lilly and Centerpoint Energy have been holding their own performance wise, but I've seen a dramatic drop in PDLI since I purchased their shares.  Have no intention of selling as long as they continue to pay dividends.  My position is small and poses no great risk to my portfolio's performance overall, so I'll hold on to the stock.

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