Saturday, November 1, 2014


Started off the first of November with 5 dividend payments including the first dividend from EGAS!  Will collect 7 more payments for the remainder of November, for a total of 12 or one dividend every 2.5 days of the month.  Add in the 2 paydays from work and I'll get paid 14 times!  Dividend income continues to increase 1% each month from reinvested dividends alone.  The more shares accumulated from reinvested dividends, the more income, the more income, the more shares accumulated.  Simple formula for a successful investment plan.

Speaking of investment plans, it's time to start working on my plan for 2015.  While I had some setbacks in 2014, I was able to stick with most of the plan and have had pretty good success.  Now it's time to set new goals and update my plan for the new year.   

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