Saturday, May 12, 2012


Made some good progress this week towards my dividend a day goal.  Completed transfer of cash to my IRA to purchase stake in LLY next Tuesday.  Sold a few old coins that I've held for years, made a couple of days pay which I deposited to my savings account for transfer to my regular investment account.  I'll use this money to purchase another monthly dividend payer.  With the purchase of LLY and AT I'll be adding another 16 dividend payments per year for a total of 200.  With 208 dividend payments a year coming in, I'm only 165 payments away from 365 days of dividends.

For this past week I collected no dividends on my IRA.  I did get some great dividend payments for my taxable accounts from my investments in SGU and LGCY.  I will be reinvesting this money along with a cash transfer from savings to purchase a stake in AT.

Also this week I've been working on plans for starting my own business.  I've been wanting to get out of hospitality/food service for a while now and since my current job has become nearly unbearable, I'm thinking now is a good time to go into business for myself.  My mother always used to say "if you don't like the way things are being done, do it yourself."  I'm launching my own resale business for household and collectible items.  I had a resale business on Ebay for a few years and made a small profit.  This time around I'm starting out as a flea market vendor.  I've found an open air market near the Lake of the Ozarks with a good deal of traffic and I've checked out the merchandise currently sold there.  I'm thinking I can easily beat the prices and quality of merchandise offered by the other vendors, so I'm pretty excited about the venture.  Since my current job is paying much less than my old job, it will be a lot easier to replace the money I currently make working 5 days a week.  I've been a flea market vendor before, so I won't be starting from scratch and it's something I like to do.  It's time to make some changes and I'm well on my way to launch my business.  Wish me luck!

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