Saturday, April 28, 2012


It was a pretty good week for both my investment accounts.  The small rally in the market helped my investment balances end up for the week.  Managed to complete my purchase of a stake in CH, adding 4 dividend payments per year.  Also reinvested buyout money from AEA into shares of EOI for another 12 dividends a year.  My total dividend payments should now be 184 annually.  It's rolling right along towards my goal of 365 days of dividends.

This week I collected a great dividend payment from AGNC for my taxable account.  Also collected dividends from GE, CPB and SPY for my IRA account.  The month of May looks to be a good month for dividends.  Several of my long held stocks pay in May and some of the more recent purchases should begin payments, so I should be collecting several payments next month.

As for work, I've decided that my job is not really going anywhere.  I originally took the job to ride out the recession, but it's not a place I want to retire from.  With that in mind, I'm looking into launching my own business.  I believe I've come up with an idea that will give me much more free time, be more enjoyable and better for my health and will replace the income from my current job.  I blog more about my idea, should it actually pan out as a viable business.

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