Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Obama, in a desperate attempt to help his fellow Democrats keep their seats in the upcoming elections, lashed out at Republicans for being "out of touch" with the daily problems of ordinary Americans. Really? Did the his administration listen to ordinary Americans when they overwhelmingly opposed recent health care reform? Did they listen to ordinary Americans who opposed massive spending of taxpayer money to bail out some of the corporations largely responsible for causing the economic collapse? Have they listened to ordinary Americans who would much rather be going back to work than getting yet another extension of unemployment? I think not. One has to ask, who is really out of touch here. I think ordinary Americans decided who's out of touch when they elected a Republican to fill Ted Kennedy's seat. Hopefully they follow suit later this year.

As for the President's comment, regarding the GOP,

"Their prescription for every challenge is pretty much the same—and I don't think I'm exaggerating here: basically cut taxes for the wealthy, cut rules for corporations and cut working folks loose to fend for themselves."

Who exactly does he think creates the jobs ordinary Americans are looking for? It's America's wealthy, who invest their money in American corporations and businesses who create jobs, not rhetoric spouting, self-righteous politicians. Don't get me wrong, I think President Obama is basically a good man, definitely a smart man, but we should always keep in mind that he is also a politician with a political agenda. Is this agenda in the best interests of ordinary Americans? I personally don't think so. It is not in the interest of ordinary American citizens to have an administration who spend the taxpayers money like a bunch of drunken sailors on shore leave. It is not in the interest of ordinary American citizens to have an administration who thinks it's O.K., on the one hand to destroy one corporation over an accident, while on the other hand, bailing out other corporations with taxpayer dollars, who deliberately engaged in business practices which should have landed them in prison, but instead earned them large bonuses at the taxpayers and shareholders expense.

Once again, we have to ask, who is really out of touch with ordinary Americans here? Right now, I'm thinking one-term presidency.

For more information see: Obama Slams GOP Comments on Wall Street Reform, BP at

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