Saturday, November 11, 2017


In recent conversations with co-workers, I was amazed at how many of them have multiple jobs.  Several had both a full time job and a part time job, with some having as many as four jobs.  Times being what they are, I can see possibly having two jobs, but I think the wiser course would be to work one job and have multiple streams of income.  Dividend investors are well aware of the benefits of multiple streams of income.  As a dividend investor, I own a stake in a total of 35 different stocks, mutual funds and bond funds.  In addition to that, I do have a full time job and four internet side gigs, (not jobs per se but they do pay me a little income each month) for a total of 40 different sources of income.  

From these 40 income sources I receive a total of 530 payments per year!  Which means I get paid every .69 days, or almost twice per day for every day of the year!  Of course, I don't work every day of the year.  Most weeks I have two days off and I have two weeks paid vacation per year.  So with my two weeks vacation and two days off per week, I really only work 251 days per year (365 - (2 x 50) + 14 = 251.  Now if you consider that I only work an actual 251 days per year and divide that by 530 payments, I really get paid every .47 days that I work, or more than twice per day!

No matter how good a worker you are, you could never manage to work 40 jobs, but it's quite easy to have 40 sources of income.  If you have a job and invest some of your hard earned money in dividend paying stocks or funds, you could easily amass 40 sources of income in just a few years and if you only have one job, like myself, when you quit working you'll still have at least 39 sources of income.  So I think it's probably better to concentrate your efforts on building multiple streams of income instead of working your life away at multiple jobs.        

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