Monday, March 22, 2010


While it comes as no surprise the Democrats pushed through healt care reform, I have to say I am shocked by the arrogant and downright stupid attitudes of the politicians involved in the passage of the bill. Just the day before the bill passed I saw yet another poll showing 75% of respondents opposed to the health care reform package and yet it still passed? Protesters were surrounding the steps of the Capital building, shouting, "Kill the Bill," as Nancy Pelosi, carrying her oversize gavel and grinning like the Cheshire cat, paraded up the steps with a crowd of Democratic leaders. While I'm sure they intended to create an air of a historical moment, they really gave me the impression of thumbing their noses at the American people.

Now that they have passed the bill, I expect to see a lot of changes come the November elections. Any politician losing re-election in November has only themselves to blame. Obama claimed to be an admirer of Benjamin Franklin, one of the country's wisest founding fathers. Perhaps he should go back and read what Franklin had to say about arrogant kings who felt no need to listen to the wishes of their subjects. It bears a striking resemblance to the performance of his administration thus far.

I believe what got me the most, when I was watching yesterdays news reports about the vote in Washington, was one Democratic spin Dr. who said that most people just don't "understand" and you have to "explain it to them in the right way." I can't recall the guys name, but if he happens to read this, I want to assure him, I understand perfectly what the government is saying and what it wants to do. I simply don't believe them when they say it will reduce the deficit. I believe it will increase the national debt and increase personal income taxes to unsustainable levels. It will seriously affect businesses and their profitability and reduce jobs. Increased taxes will lead to more money fleeing the country for investments in lower tax havens. In the end, it is a self defeating bill, since the government will end up collecting less taxes than it does now and be even less able to fund health care.

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