Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Blue Collar Investor: Don't Be Totally Dependent on Your Job

Just in case my article on my new job leads the readers to think that I've forgotten that I wrote about not being totally dependent on your job,

The Blue Collar Investor: Don't Be Totally Dependent on Your Job

I wanted to add a few things. While I am enjoying my new job, I have also been very busy building my own small business part time. I am doing quite a lot of contract jobs on my own, mostly service type work. Since I started building my own business a few years back, I'm finding it easier to pick up extra work and add additional income to put towards building my asset column. All money I make outside my regular job goes toward building my investments in one way or another. So even though I'm very happy about the new job, I am still working towards my goal of not needing a job at all.

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