Wednesday, July 11, 2018


I've been reading a lot lately about the laws of attraction, especially pertaining to attracting money.  One thing that struck me as really profound is that money is energy and needs to be in a state of flow.  Normally people think of money as coming in and flowing back out to bills and expenses, but we should never forget it's just as easy to spend your money on tools to make more money as it is to spend it on things you probably don't really need.  

I have a weakness for electronic gadgets and have a tendency to spend too much money on them.  Even though I know I don't really need them.  Lately I've taken to asking myself whether these things will increase or decrease cash flow.  So I've cut way back on the amount of money I spend on things and use it instead to buy more dividend stocks to increase money coming in.  If you get in the habit of spending your money on things that will bring you more money instead of things that collect dust around your house, eventually you'll be making way more than you ever thought possible.  

So you need to keep your money moving.  But most importantly, you need to keep it moving in the right direction.  Make a habit of it.  Once it comes in, pay yourself and put that money to work earning you more money.  Then pay your bills and expenses and if there's anything left, you can buy the extra things that you want.  

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