Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Income Producing Assets

In Robert Kyosaki's books (Rich Dad Poor Dad Author) he talks about the importance of creating income producing assets. One of the income producing assets I'm involved in is my membership with SendEarnings, a paid email program. It is free to join and you get paid for reading emails, taking surveys etc.. I got my first check in the mail today, which also means that I've qualified for gold membership, making it easier to earn even more money.

I'm using the money I receive from my membership to purchase dividend paying stocks for my investment account, to generate even more income. Since participation in their program is free, this is one way I came up with to create an income producing asset without investing any of my own money. Investing the income from this asset in dividend stocks is a good example of making money work for you instead of working for money.

If you'd like to learn more about SendEarnings program you can click on the link on the right side of this page.

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