Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Just collected 11 dividends for the first day of May 2018!  Nice way to start off the month, although it was a little bittersweet, in that I collected my last dividend payments from longtime holdings T and VZ.  I sold out my positions in the majority of individual stocks in order to boost dividend income and prepare for the transfer of my accounts to Etrade.  While I probably won't stay with Etrade, I do want to make the transfers go as smoothly as possible.  

Completed the purchases of additional shares of CHI for my taxable account and ZTR for my IRA.  I think I got in in time to collect dividends on the new shares this month!  May is now a 40 dividend month, although I'll actually collect 42 this month counting T and VZ.  So I have 29 more dividends to go before the end of this month.  With that including some of the largest dividend payments, I'm expecting to do quite well for the month.  May even set a new record high for monthly dividend income, we'll see how it goes.

Finally feel like I've reached a turning point on debt, since it's actually going down instead of up.  Saw a great reduction in interest charges on my highest interest debt, thanks to the extra payments I've been making on the bill.  The first one will be the hardest to eliminate, but once it's gone, the rest should be fairly easy to pay off.  I don't really owe a great deal of money, it's just spread out over several accounts, so it's a lot of monthly payments.  I'm looking forward to being debt free and only having monthly living expenses.  Then I intend to really ramp up my investment program.  Pretty optimistic about how things are going so far.  Maybe it just took getting mad to finally wake me up to the fact that I'll be much better off without all the charge accounts.

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