Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Like the ice snow storm here in Missouri on Sunday, the past weeks' drop in the stock market kind of caught everyone off guard.  I have to admit, it surprised me as well.  However, instead of fretting over paper losses, I've been looking at the opportunity it presents.  As far as the economy, everything is still looking good going forward, so I'm looking at this as a chance to pick up more shares at much cheaper prices.  Lower stock prices mean it's now cheaper to buy a dollar's worth of dividends than when prices were up.  It allows me to increase dividend income much more rapidly than I had expected, since I'm not paying as much to purchase additional shares of stock.

On that note, just completed my purchase of QYLD in time to capture the dividend for February.  Also timed the sale of PFE so I could make a small profit and collect a final dividend from them later this month.  The monthly dividends I collect from QYLD will be about 3 times as much as I was receiving from ORA and PFE, plus it allows me to get involved in trading covered calls much sooner than I would have otherwise.  Although, they'll be doing the trading for me, it's the idea of creating an income stream from options trading that appeals to me.  I still plan on trading covered calls on my own as soon as the funds become available.

Don't have any idea how long this drop in the stock market will last, it seems to be at least partially fueled by limit orders kicking in and activating trades, driving prices down.  In any case, I'll be buying everything I can afford to boost my overall portfolio yield while the fire sale is on.

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