Friday, August 4, 2017


Did a quick estimate of dividend income for the remainder of 2017 and am pleased to report that, for the fourth year in a row, annual dividend income will double compared to last year's total!  As I've said before, I don't expect this trend to continue indefinitely, since it will require more and more cash contributions to keep doubling income year after year.  At some point, earned income is unlikely to keep up with demand.  But for now, it's nice to see the trend continues.  

Since this year's income double is in the bag, so to speak, I'll be looking at ways to double annual dividend income in 2018.  If I implement a plan now, I should be able to pull it off for a 5th year in a row.  I don't count income made from trading stocks, only dividend income.  I also don't count income from my 401k account, since I have no way of knowing how much of that is actual dividends.  So I'll be looking at ways to dramatically boost dividend income in the following months.  One easy way would be to invest my entire Christmas bonus, but I've already decided to use half that for Christmas presents.  Still, investing half my bonus will significantly increase monthly dividend income going in to the new year.  While this will most likely entail taking on some risk by increasing positions in some of the higher yield stocks, I plan to balance out the risk by increase stakes in some of my less volatile big name shares.

Then there's always the bond funds to consider.  Price wise, they're not likely to do well in an environment of rising interest rates, but they do still pay pretty well.  I'll most likely build positions in these through reinvested dividends more than cash out of pocket.  While bond funds have always seemed like an iffy proposition to me, I've collected a lot of money from them for the past few years.    

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