Tuesday, May 2, 2017


May 2017 kicked off with great cash inflows to my portfolio from first of the month dividends and additional cash investments!  I'm excited about planned stock purchases this month, using cash received from my employee of the year bonus and savings.  I'll be adding more shares to my stake in CCD, will buy a stake in SPHD for the ROTH account and complete purchases of ORA and JNJ shares as well.  This will give me at least a 10% jump in average monthly dividend income!  Pretty exciting to have such a big increase in a single month!

The month of April 2017 showed a little less than a 100% increase in dividend income over April 2016, breaking my winning streak of 100%+ gains for this year.  While a little disappointing, it only fell short by a little over $1, so I'm still pretty happy with the results.  As I've said in previous posts, I don't expect these outsized gains in dividend income to continue indefinitely.  As balances in my accounts increase, it will become more difficult to add enough extra cash to keep doubling annual dividend income.  Although I most likely will see income double again this year.

Looks like I bought shares of VZ at just the wrong time, since they've not done well after announcing the huge loss of subscibers.  I could have gotten the shares a lot cheaper if I'd waited a week or two.  Still, I think they're a solid long term holding, so I'm not fretting too much.  I can always average down cost of shares by purchasing more shares when the price bottoms out.  

As the year progresses, I'll be looking to boost dividend income through purchases of more shares in some of the higher paying monthly dividend stocks.  I'll also be looking to add to my stakes in some of my individual stock holdings.  I'm expecting to see a slow down in the market around the end of June through the month of July and possibly into August as the summer vacation season kicks in and people are busy with other things.  This hasn't always proved to be the case, but does seem to happen quite often, so I like to watch things closely that time of year and pick up as many bargains as I can.

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