Friday, April 1, 2016


Collected the first six dividend payments for the month of April, with eleven more to go by the end of the month.  Did a quick estimate of dividends for the remainder of the month and compared that to earnings from April 2015.  By this estimate, income from dividends will increase over 90% when compared to April 2015!  This will make two months in a row with 90%+ increases!  I fully expected to see some increases, but this surprises even me.

I mentioned in my last post that I'm embarking on an ambitious stock purchase plan.  It will most likely take me three years to complete all the purchases I intend to make, since I'll be paying out of pocket and am limited by available funds.  I've scheduled a total of 16 stock purchases, with the first two to be completed on Tuesday of next week.  Just to get things off to a good start, I plan on making the third purchase by the end of April and the fourth purchase in May.  May be able to complete the plan in two years, but I'm giving myself a three year time horizon since each purchase increase in dollar amount as I move down the list.

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