Friday, December 11, 2015


This Christmas season is turning out to be a very merry one after all.  In spite of the recent slide in the stock market due to falling oil prices and worries over rising interest rates, monthly cash flow from dividends continue to increase.  Overall value of my portfolio is down, but I'm taking comfort in the fact that lower stock prices make reinvested dividends go much farther.  Which also means future monthly income is increasing at a more rapid pace, since dollars invested are purchasing more shares.

In the last two days I've collected another 6 dividend payments, bringing the monthly total to 11 payments.  Still have 12 more to go!  Income for the month has already surpassed 3 other months of the year and will set a new record by the end of December.  We'll be collecting our Christmas bonuses at work in time for me to beat the ex-dividend date for January on new shares I'll be buying with bonus money, so I'll kick off 2016 with a 9% increase in monthly cash flow!

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