Tuesday, September 29, 2015


In an effort to focus on quality and income, I added a stake in Wisdom Tree Mid Cap Dividend Fund (DON) to my taxable account.  They have below average risk, above average returns and a five star rating from Morningstar.  Recent purchases have been directed mostly toward boosting monthly dividends and I felt I needed to add additional quality holdings to balance things out a little more.  Got in before the ex-dividend date for October, so should see the first dividend from DON on October 31st.  

For the rest of the year, I'll be building up my stakes in individual stock holdings, as I mentioned in my previous post.  Recent uncertainty in the stock market, including yesterday's drop, lead me to believe there will be several buying opportunities for the next several months.  With the uncertainty over the Fed's actions on interest rates, it's questionable how long interest rate sensitive stocks (utilities, banks, etc.) will continue to benefit from low interest.  That being said, I really don't expect major moves in interest rates anytime soon, so I'm not overly anxious about it either.

Entering the final quarter of 2015, it's been a pretty good year for me overall.  Didn't meet all my goals, but I'm happy with what I've accomplished for the year.  Will be working on my investment plan for 2016 over the next 3 months.    

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