Monday, March 30, 2015


The month of March is set to go out like a lion!  Not only is the market and my account balances up, but I'm set to collect a whopping 7 dividend payments on the last day of the month!  I'm having all dividends reinvested to build positions in current holdings, but it's still exciting to watch the payments roll in.  It's also exciting to see the number of shares increase with no "out of pocket" money on my part.

I did schedule a purchase of additional shares of ROYT for tomorrow.  With the trust being oversold and share prices so low, I figure I'll benefit when oil prices begin to rise.  In the mean time I'm content to collect the small monthly dividends.  Should see those rise as well after the turn around in oil.  May not happen for a while, but I'm content to wait it out.  For a small investment, this could turn in to a big money maker for my portfolio.  Even if it should go bust, which I think is unlikely, it wouldn't have much of an impact on my overall portfolio.  So I'm willing to take a risk on this one.

The big dividend payout the last day of March will be followed up by another big day of dividends on April 1st (no fooling).  EGAS is set to pay their dividend of 13.5 cents per share on April 2nd.  Don't quite know what's going on there.  They were paying monthly, but paid 2 dividends in December and skipped a couple of payments.  However, I'm not too concerned since the dividend of 13.5 cents per share is up from the previous monthly dividends of 4.5 cents per share.  Perhaps their switching to a quarterly payout.  I guess we'll see.  

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