Wednesday, December 17, 2014


It's the end of the year, finished my Christmas shopping, paid off another bill and decided to put some cash savings to work early to get a head start on my 2015 investment plan.  To accomplish that, I purchased a stake in PDLI (a pharmaceutical company) and next week I'll be buying a stake in CLNY (a real estate investment and finance company).  Dividends from the two stocks will boost monthly dividend income by over 5% in 2015!  I'm looking to boost annual dividend income by 100% for the third year in a row.  As long as current earned income remains the same, I should have additional money to invest this year on top of reinvested dividends.  Should easily be able to reach my goal of doubling dividend income.  Since I'll get my first dividend from CLNY next month, January's income will be up 90+% over January 2014!  Not a bad way to start the year.

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