Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Since I hold shares of UVE in my taxable account as well as my
IRA, I decided to use the same strategy I mentioned in my last
post to UVE a “free stock” for my taxable account.  I sold
enough shares to pull out my original cash investment, which
left me with half of the stock I originally held in UVE.  I took
the money from the sale and reinvested it in shares of NCZ.
This will add an additional 12 dividend payments per year for
a total of 180 or an average of 15 dividends per month.
Monthly cash flow from dividends will increase by 8%, which
means I only need to figure out how to boost dividends by
another 2% to meet my goal of boosting income by 20% for the
second quarter.  But I don’t want to stop there.  If I should
reach my goal in the first month of the second quarter, I’ll be
working on boosting dividends another 20% to meet my goal
for the third quarter.

So I have $0 invested in UVE, but I still have half of the shares
I originally purchased.  I’ll continue to draw dividends and
benefit from future share price increases, should there be any.
Monthly cash flow has been boosted by another 18% total and
rate of compounding has increased by adding a total of 24
additional dividend payments per yer.  The new dividends
should both kick in next month.  Doesn’t get much better than

Or does it?  I just compared April’s projected dividends to
January of this year.  Turns out dividend income for the first
month of the second quarter will be up over 30% compared to
the first month of quarter one 2014.  With new dividends
kicking in in May, I’m expecting even better results!

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