Friday, May 17, 2013


Will be receiving my latest check from within the next few days.  It's a great shoppers' rewards program you can sign up with for free.  I've been with them for a long time now and have earned quite a few checks.  I've decided to put this check to work by purchasing additonal shares of HWBK.  Hawthorn Bank is a local bank and although I'm not an account holder there, I have had a great deal of experience with them and have been quite impressed.  My original investment has done quite well and I think it will be a good use of my SendEarnings check to purchase additional shares.  

This weeks' dividend payment is courtesy of another bank I've invested in for quite some time NYCB.  I used to collect coin banks, I've stopped adding to my collection of coin banks when I purchased shares in a real bank for the first time.  While investing in bank shares for the past few years could have been a wild ride for some, it's worked out pretty good for me.

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