Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It's been kind of a slow week for me investment wise.  End of the month I guess.  Anyway, collected a nice dividend from New Zealand Telecom (NZT).  The stock itself didn't hold up well in the downturn, but I believe in the company and they carry a dividend of 11.31% on their recent price of $7.70.  So I'm keeping the stock for the yield and looking for some recovery.  I'm thinking it will happen, just may take some time.

Put in an order with my IRA account to purchase more shares of S&P 500 Index SPDR (SPY).  While the dividend is not so impressive (2.10%), I'm expecting to collect some decent capital gains with this fund.  SPY is definitely one of my long term holdings for my retirement account.  I also like the fact that SPY invests in some sectors currently not represented in my overall investment portfolio. 

On a personal note, looking forward to the latest round of "Dancing With the Stars" and the new season of "Glee" on television!  Also looking forward to the November elections, it will be interesting to see how that plays out.

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